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select * from dati where categorie='65' and citta='London' order by COCKTAILMEETINGCAPACITY
click headers to sort         all measurements in square meters (1 sqm = 10.76 sqft) Main meeting room capacity
     Property City State Rating Guest room # Airport Km Tot Expo area Meeting area Meeting room # Meeting area Theathre capacity Classroom capacity UShape capacity Banquet capacity Cocktail capacity
ExCeL London  
Battersea Evolution  
Interior Design Services Ltd  
Earls Court London  
The New Connaught Rooms  
The Royal College of Physicians, Regent's Park  
Barbican Centre  
The Mermaid Conference & Events Centre  
Congress Centre  
Southbank Centre  
Central Hall Westminster  
     Property City State Rating Guest room # Airport Km Tot Expo area Meeting area Meeting room # Meeting area Theathre capacity Classroom capacity UShape capacity Banquet capacity Cocktail capacity
Queen Elisabeth II Conference Ctr  
The Royal Horticultural Halls  
Alexandra Palace  
Olympia London  

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